100 Story Prompts for Micro Fiction
In the captivating universe of micro fiction, brevity is the key to unlocking limitless worlds. As you embark on your journey with these prompts, remember that each word is a brushstroke painting the canvas of a compelling tale. Craft with intention, starting close to the end and focusing on the pivotal event. Whether you're drawn to poignant beginnings, heart-wrenching middles, or resonant endings, let your imagination soar. Embrace the challenge, for within these concise narratives lies the potential for boundless creativity. Happy writing, and may your micro stories echo far beyond their limited words!

100 Writing Prompts for Horror Short Stories
Welcome to the chilling realm of nightmares and supernatural tales! In this blog post, we embark on a journey through 100 spine-tingling horror story prompts, each designed to send shivers down your spine and awaken your darkest fears. From cursed mirrors to haunted music boxes, malevolent spirits to parallel dimensions, these prompts offer a myriad of eerie possibilities for crafting your own hair-raising short stories. Whether you're an aspiring writer seeking inspiration or a horror enthusiast hungry for fresh nightmares, delve into the shadows and let your imagination dance with the macabre. Brace yourself for a descent into the unknown, where every twist unveils a new horror waiting to be unleashed.

The Fiction Writer's Guide to Using Prompts Effectively
Using writing prompts is something writers are not always keen to do when writing alone – but if you facilitate writing groups, or attend classes, you have probably taken part in various exercises which result in pieces of writing that might be surprising, or unusual, or perhaps not that great. So, let’s welcome the fact that writing prompts can be hugely beneficial to us all.