When Joe returns from evacuation in Wales, he’s keen to get back to normal with his parents, but their house has been bombed, his mum has moved in with his grandparents, and she’s working on the buses while his dad fights in Belgium.
Feeling lonely in a house full of adults, he visits the ruins where his home used to be and finds Nelly, the girl from next door, on the remains of the front steps. They spend every day together: Joe tells Nelly about his time in Wales and she helps him find things in the rubble.
Joe puts himself in danger in a quest to help Nelly find her parents and learns some difficult lessons about life and death in the aftermath of the Blitz.
Kim M. Russell has been writing since she was a schoolgirl but only began blogging and submitting to competitions and anthologies when she retired from teaching in 2014. Her poems have been published on-line by Visual Verse, amongst others, and in print: Afflatus Magazine, River Writes (Bure Navigation Conservation Trust), Anthology of Aunts and Second Place Rosette (Emma Press), Peeking Cat Anthologies 2017 and 2018, and Field Work (UEA Publishing Project with Kunsthalle Cromer). She is a regular contributor to the Poetry Pea haiku podcast and journals. Her short stories and flash fiction have been published on-line and in print; ‘Ludwig’s Friday Afternoon’ first appeared in the Paper Swans Press anthology Flash, I love you! Her first book, Between Heartbeats, is a collection of short stories and flash fiction that started as an experiment in self-publishing. Joe and Nelly is her first novel for children. Kim lives in the UK, between the North Sea coast and the Norfolk Broads, with her husband and two cats.
Follow her on Facebook.
Website: www.writinginnorthnorfolk.com
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