Written by BAFTA shortlisted writer Bennett Arron, who has had over 40 sitcoms produced on TV and Radio, this 10,000 word step-by-step guide to writing sitcom scripts is suitable for both first time and more experienced writers.
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Bennett Arron is a BAFTA-shortlisted Scriptwriter, Comedian, Actor and Television & Radio Presenter.
He wrote, directed and presented the Channel 4 documentary "How To Steal an Identity" and he presented the BBC documentary "The Kosher Comedian".
He wrote and starred in two BBC Radio Series: "Bennett Arron is Jewelsh", and "Bennett Arron Worries About... " both of which were nominated for a Celtic Media Award.
He has his own show on BBC 3 Counties Radio and he is currently starring in the Radio 4 Sitcom "ALONE".
Follow Bennett on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Visit Bennett’s website: www.bennettarron.com
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